Date: 2020-09-25 03:30:58
[aoa id=’0′][dn_wp_yt_youtube_source type=”101″ id=”Le0oBeF3ID4″][/aoa]
12 Minute At Home Resistance Band Arms Workout…
Guys..because a lot of gyms are still closed, workout out at home is the new normal. Not only that, but resistance band workouts are a great way to stay in shape and build muscle at home. That is why I am going to give you a 12 minute at home resistance band arms workout, to help you get a nice pump in your arms at home. I like to alternate between biceps and triceps in my arm workouts because that gives each muscle group a chance to rest before starting the next exercise. Let’s get started with the exercises in this at home resistance band arms workout.
Exercise #1: STANDING ALTERNATING BICEP CURLS. I want you to do 10 reps for each arm, and step further from the door so that the bands are already preloaded with tension. Try to keep your elbow in a fixed position because you don’t want to use momentum when focusing on your biceps.
Exercise #2: OVERHEAD TRICEP EXTENSIONS. Again do 10 reps for this exercise.
We are going to do 2 sets of each exercise then we are going to move on to the next set of exercises in this at home arm workout.
Exercise #3: FACE CURLS. Step away from the door to get preloaded resistance before starting the movement. You want to curl the handles straight to your face.
Exercise #4: TRICEP EXTENSIONS with an underhand grip. Keep your elbow still in this exercise to put more work on the tricep.
This is a great arm workout that you can do at home, and it is great because it is quick and all you need are resistance bands. This is a great workout for beginners to do at home. If you are not a beginner and you need a little more challenge, add more resistance or increase the number of sets and reps that you are doing.
Well guys..that wraps up this video tutorial with a 12 minute at home resistance band arms workout. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos with resistance band workouts that you can do at home.
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