Nothing looks better than a nice set of big looking arms, everyone wants them! To get big overall arms, you want to make sure you are not neglecting your triceps. However, biceps are what everyone looks at, especially when they see the big pump when you flex your arms.Continue Reading

  When I say these are the only exercises you need to build muscle, especially after 50, I am talking about “bang for your buck’ exercises. Exercises that are compound movements and work multiple muscle groups. Whether you are at home or in the gym, you can do these exercisesContinue Reading

  When it comes to losing fat, especially belly fat, there are 2 things that are key to your results. Nutrition and exercise are needed to lose belly fat. Depending on how much fat you are carrying, you may be able to lose belly fat easier in the beginning. However,Continue Reading

  As a man over 50, testosterone is crucial for our everyday life, in order for us to function and have a sex drive. As we get older, our testosterone levels slowly start to decline. This is not something we can stop, but we can slow it down. There areContinue Reading

  If you are a man over 40, it is important to avoid injury from working out. If you are lifting really heavy weight, there are more possibilities to injure yourself, especially if you are using bad form. When using lighter weights, you can focus more on good form, mindContinue Reading

  You don’t need a gym and a lot of equipment to be able to build a wider chest after 50. You can do it from home with some dumbbells, resistance bands, and even your own bodyweight. Having a wide and full chest looks good with or without a shirt,Continue Reading

  When trying to get bigger arms, ones that rip through the sleeves of your shirt. The biceps are the better looking part of the arm, but the triceps make up most of the size of the upper arm. There are so many great exercises you can do to buildContinue Reading

  It is never too late to build more strength as a man over 40. There are different things you can do to get stronger, and the exercises you do are the biggest key to your success. Once you turn 40, there are things you need to do a littleContinue Reading

  As you get older, especially over the age of 50, there are things that are more difficult than when you were younger. You are never too old to start something or achieve a fitness goal. If you are on a fitness journey, odds are, one of your goals isContinue Reading

  For all men, even men over 40, we all want to have arms that stand out. Our triceps have a lot to do with the overall size of the upper arm, but the biceps are the better looking part of the arm. You may be working your biceps, butContinue Reading

  As a man over 50, our testosterone production is crucial for us living our daily lives. If we are not producing enough testosterone, we will feel sluggish, unmotivated, and the body just does not function well. One of the best ways to naturally boost your production of testosterone isContinue Reading

  When trying to get abs that show, there are 2 things that come into play. Working your abs and focusing on your nutrition. In order to get abs that show, you need to lose belly fat. Today, we are focusing on the exercises you need to do to buildContinue Reading

  Apply For Gary Walker's Alpha Maker Project (limited spots): It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are never too old to build muscle. As men over 40, there are many different things you can do to build muscle. Whether you are on a fitness journey just startingContinue Reading

  Apply For Gary Walker's Alpha Maker Project (limited spots): Aside from having some big muscular arms, nothing is better than having a flat stomach. Whether you have abs that show or just a slimmer waist…one of the main fitness goals is losing the fat around the belly. ThereContinue Reading

  When trying to get good looking abs and a flatter stomach, you can not forget about your love handles. Getting rid of your love handles can help you achieve a more v-shape figure, combined with a wider upper back. There are 2 things you need to focus on toContinue Reading