Functional Cardio Workout For Men OVER 50

Date: 2019-11-07 17:27:17

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Functional Cardio Workout For Men Over 50 – Hey guys, in this video tutorial with a cardio workout for beginners at home, I am going to give you an 8 minute cardio workout that you can do from the comfort of your own home. The thing with cardio is more doesn’t always mean better. Long cardio puts stress on your body after a period of time. Long cardio produces a hormone called cortisol, and the more cortisol your body produces, the less testosterone is being produced. Now let’s get started with this functional cardio workout for men after 50.

This is going to be a straightforward 8 minute cardio workout at home for men over 50. The first exercise in this cardio workout for men is going to be Jump Squats. I am going to show you the correct form for each exercise. After the Jump Squats, we are going to get on the ground and do Reverse Plank Thrusts. You’re going to notice for each exercise, I am going to make you go up and back down again. You are then going to do Butt Kicks, and after that we are going to finish up with an Air Bike Crunch. Alright guys, follow along and let’s start this functional cardio workout for men over 50.

Every exercise is going to be done for 30 seconds in this cardio workout for beginners at home. Now because this is a beginner cardio workout plan, you are going to rest for 30 seconds after each exercise in this functional cardio workout for men after 50. After the 30 seconds rest, we are going to get on the ground and do a Reverse Plank Thrust. We are going to do this exercise for 30 seconds then rest. This exercise works your glutes and hamstrings, and of course also focuses on your core. If doing a jogging butt kick is too difficult, I am okay with you doing a walking butt kick. We are all at different fitness levels, so for you beginners out there, that is okay if you have to do a variation of these exercises in this cardio workout at home for men over 50.

This functional cardio workout for men over 50 is easy to do, and is more specifically designed for those of you out there that are beginners. I want you to do 2 circuits of this cardio workout for beginners at home. If you are a beginner, go ahead and rest for 30 seconds before hopping into the second circuit. Now if you are in better shape, just jump right into the second circuit. Everyone is at a different fitness level, so make sure to push yourself as much as you can in this functional cardio workout for men after 50.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial with a cardio workout at home for men over 50. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos with cardio workouts:

Also check out this RIPPED AFTER 50 program and click on this link:

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