Never Miss a Workout Again (WATCH THIS!)

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The next time you don’t feel like working out, watch this short video. There’s a popular saying that goes “It’s the start that stops most people”. Stop thinking about the exercises in the workout you’re having a hard time wanting to do and instead think about just standing up or grabbing the car keys and getting yourself to the gym.

Often times, as soon as you put your body in motion you gain momentum that keeps you in motion. An object in motion stays in motion. Stop thinking about how comfortable the couch is right now and think instead about how uncomfortable you’ll be if you let another day go by without doing something to change what it is that you don’t like about yourself at the moment.

Simply stand up and take one action.

Start moving.

Get to the gym and you’ll be amazed at what type of habit you’ll start. You may look back a year from now, an entirely different person with an extreme dedication to a healthier lifestyle and in the best shape of your life simply because of the one decision you made today. And that decision was just to get up. Stand up and take action.


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