3 WORST Abs Exercises (That Can Screw Up Your Back!)

Date: 2020-06-19 16:40:13

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Great news guys! Today we have our good friend Dan, who is a Chiropractor and Rehab Specialist, to help us understand why some of these ab exercises can cause pain in our back and neck. Stick around for some tips. Let’s get started!

Believe it or not, plain ole SIT UPS can cause lots of back pain. It is not necessarily a bad exercise, but not all of our bodies are flexible enough or maybe you do too many at a time. Your body then isn’t prepared to do it safely, which can lead to back and neck pain.

When doing SIT UPS make sure that if you are putting your hands behind your head, do not pull on your head because that will damage your neck.

Here is a good way to do SIT UPS. With your hands behind your head, keep your elbows out straight, and you don’t need to go really far up. Just focus on the contraction to feel the burn and strengthen your abs.

Another exercise that can hurt your back, when not done properly, is LEG LIFTS. To avoid back pain, put your hands under your butt to help straighten your back when you are lifting your legs. Also, bend your knees slightly when lifting your legs.

The last ab exercise that can hurt your back, especially when not done properly, is RUSSIAN TWISTS. If you are not in great shape, you do not need to use weight. Just go back and forth and touch your hands to the floor.

We hope you enjoyed this video on how to fix your ab exercises to avoid neck and back pain.

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