5 Best ABS & UPPER BODY Exercises (ARMS, CORE and MORE!)

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The best abs and upper body workout can be found in our MAX/Shred program http://athleanx.com/x/best-abs-upper-body

This core and upper body workout contains 5 upper body exercises that will hit core, shoulders, back, chest and arms in a single routine. This is a great routine if you’re short on time and want to hit upper body and abs in one fell swoop. However, we love to incorporate core in everything we do, and these upper body exercises definitely do that!

These 5 core and upper body exercises may be ones you’ve never tried in your strength training routines before. If that’s the case, you should give each of the moves in this upper body and abs workout a try before attempting the complete arms and abs routine.

You’ll do each of these arms and abs exercises for 10-15 reps before moving on to the next of the core and upper body exercises. If you are a beginner looking to get toned arms you can do 1-2 rounds of these core exercises. If you are more advanced you can shoot for 3-4 rounds of this flat belly and toned upper body workout.

For all the best workouts for abs and arms subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/womensworkouts

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