Sculpted Six Pack Workout (15 MINS FOLLOW ALONG!)

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The best sculpted six pack workout for women can be found in our MAX/Shred program

This six pack abs workout is a follow along 15 minute abs routine that will challenge you and get you on your way to six pack abs. This womens ab workout is a pyramid style, meaning that you’ll be starting with a greater amount of reps and working your way down to a lower amount of reps.
There are two series in this 15 min ab workout, with 3 sculpted abs exercises in each series. For Series 1 in this at home workout, you’ll first do 30 reps of each of the abs exercises, then 20 reps each then 10 reps each to finish out this first series in the abs workout.

Then you’ll do the same with the 3 six pack exercises in Series 2 of this ab workout for women.
You can follow the instructor throughout this entire abs workout program. If you’re a beginner, you may need to pause the video during the six pack abs routine to take additional rest. However if you’re more advanced, try not to take extra rest during this abs workout at home.

Here are the exercises that make up this six pack workout for women:


1) Reverse Crunch Pop Ups
2) Bicycle Crunches
3) Toe Reaches


1) Hip Dips
2) Twist Climbers
3) Scissor Kicks

To learn how to get six pack abs and all the best at home abs workouts subscribe to our YouTube channel

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