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The best upper body workout can be found in our MAX/Shred program http://athleanx.com/x/womens-upper-body
This full upper body workout is a HIIT workout that will help you attack arms, shoulders, biceps, triceps, chest, back and even abs. This upper body workout for women has 5 upper body exercises, and it’s about 20 mins long. You can rest assured you’ll get an arm workout, and there are also great shoulder exercises and chest exercises in this upperbody routine.
If you are unfamiliar with the exercises in this womens arm workout, please give them a try before attempting the complete workout. For all of the upper body exercises in this arm workout for women you’ll do 50 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest before moving on the to the next arm exercise. If you are a beginner you can do 1-2 rounds of this womens chest workout. If you are more advanced, try to do 4 complete rounds of this chest workout for women. This would be a total of a 20 minute womens chest workout.
Here are the arm exercises that make up this full upper body workout:
1) 2 Pike Press / 2 Pushups
2) Box Jump Burpee w/Knee Tuck
3) Knee Hugs
4) 1 Leg Pushup w/Lateral Jump
5) 10 High Knees / 10 Mountain Climbers
For more of the best upper body exercises and workouts subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/womensworkouts
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