Is Potassium Critical for Diabetes- If So, Why?

Date: 2020-01-10 22:25:48

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Special Thanks to my team and Nicholas Norwitz – Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student – for working diligently on research as well!

Is Potassium Critical for Diabetes- If So, Why? – Thomas DeLauer

Research has found that there’s actually a link between potassium levels and diabetes. You see, lower potassium levels have actually been shown to result in more incidences of diabetes…

But before you rush to the store to a buy a bunch of bananas, watch this video, as there’s more to this than just simply upping your potassium intake. We have a lot of research and science to dive into so let’s get started and I’ll see you in the comments!

Check out some of my other vitamin and mineral videos below!

How Potassium Boosts Intermittent Fasting!:

Top 3 Minerals for Fasting & a Low Carb Keto Diet:

Do Vitamins Break a Fast? Supplements and Intermittent Fasting:

Keto with Magnesium | Why Magnesium is Important on a Low Carb Diet:

Are You in Need of Vitamin D? Everything to Know and More!:

6 Ways to Know You Need MORE Zinc:

6 Tell Tale Signs of a Copper Deficiency:

Nicholas Norwitz – Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student:


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