VMO – Vastus Medialis Oblique, just above the kneecap, one of the four quadriceps muscles
Quads – Short for quadriceps, a group of four muscles in the front of the thigh
Twitch – To move or pull with a sudden motion
Contract – To draw together, to squeeze or force together
Preferentially – Given priority or focus
90 degrees – A right angle; one quarter of a 360-degree circle
My goal is to give you the most up-to-date truths, with scalable SOLUTIONS for each problem, thus saving you exponential time and money in the long-term, while improving your results from training and increasing your ENJOYMENT of the process. My program at atgonlinecoaching.com is full body, but likely has the most knee success stories ever. I also certify coaches at atgforcoaches.com. Many of these coaches are doctors themselves, and one of them wrote up the following article with the scientific data behind this video series: https://link.medium.com/ZNeNAbIr2mb
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