3 Workout Secrets For HUGE Arms (AT HOME!)

Date: 2020-06-05 22:40:39

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Now, I know you guys love working your biceps! Those triceps make up a big portion of your arms. Now let me give you 3 killer workout secrets for huge arms.

Secret #1: You can up the intensity with any exercise, especially your arms, by doing DROPSETS. Pick a weight you can only do about 10 reps, after the 10th rep, you are fatigued. Now, drop the amount of weight and go the same exercise without resting after dropping the weight. Drop the weight a few times and repeat this process for the exercise.

Secret #2: In your workouts, ALTERNATE MUSCLE GROUPS. Give your muscles a chance to rest and recover because they are going to be so fatigued. Make sure to switch up the exercises to hit the muscles at different angles.

Secret #3: CONFUSE YOUR MUSCLES. Do really high rep sets, which means you’ll need to use less weight. This might even hurt a little more, but is worth it utilizing volume training. This can also help you get a huge pump in your biceps.

Now you don’t have to workout like this every time you are working your arms.

Just, try to incorporate it into your weekly workout routine, and I can guarantee you that you are going to get some massive arms in no time.

Here is a quick 5 minute tricep workout that you can at home without any equipment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hYYTIl6g28&list=PLBAVGEMTUJsC2lrd6w4vYswe9VGJWe4S6&index=20&t=0s

And if you really want to get some bigger biceps, here is a great resistance band workout that you can do at home: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsx2XfDrgx8&list=PLBAVGEMTUJsC2lrd6w4vYswe9VGJWe4S6&index=21&t=0s

We have tons of great workout and nutrition videos for you to help you get back in shape and build muscle.

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