How to Improve Speed and Performance – Training Techniques

Date: 2019-10-16 22:25:03

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How to Improve Speed and Performance – Training Techniques – Thomas DeLauer

So, you want to get faster? You want to be faster, more agile on the field. Maybe you want to run a little faster on the track. Hey, maybe you just want to run a 5k a little bit faster? Well, newsflash. It has less to do with technique and form and just getting down to the science of the perfect shoe. It has more to do with force. Force is simple. All we have to be paying attention to is how much force we can actually emit relative to our body weight. And I’m going to break down how you can improve that and I’m going to leverage some of the really cool science from a particular guy known as Ryan Flaherty. He’s an awesome guy who’s done a lot of stuff with NFL combine guys. Anyway, point is, I’m going to break down how you can improve force and ultimately get faster.

All right. Let’s go ahead and let’s get into this. So, first off, force. What the heck is it? That is literally the power in which you are pushing off of the ground with when you’re running. Now, speed is really a factor of just a couple of things. It’s our stride frequency and it’s our overall stride length. How many strides does it take us to get to a certain point? We want less strides because that means we are pushing off with more force and essentially flying through the air faster.

Now, Ryan Flaherty’s done an amazing job so I have to give credit where credit is due and he’s got some amazing stuff out there on the internet talking about this. Essentially, what he figured out was that there is something called a force number and this force number is the amount of force that you push off relative to your weight. So, for example, if you’re big and strong and you can admit a lot of force, that’s all fine and dandy, but it doesn’t mean that your force number is good. Your force number is your force relative to your weight.

So, the point is, how do we get this better? How do we get our force better? How do we get our relative force better? Well, first off, you got to be lighter. So, you got to figure out a way to get lighter, but that begs the question, well getting lighter usually decreased your strength. And a lot of time that happens. You lose weight, you lose muscle. You lose weight, you lose strength. So, how do we do this? Well, we start looking at the different ways that muscles contract and I’ll talk about that in a second, but as far as the legs are concerned, the first thing you really want to look at is utilizing what’s called a hex bar. Hex bar’s are really powerful. So, instead of doing a dead lift with a barbell that’s held out in front of you, you’re using a hex bar where you’re holding it at the sides.

Hex Bar

People find that they can lift a heavier weight when using the hex bar to deadlift, compared to the straight bar, even when the height of the barbell is the same distance from the ground.

Found that they could lift a heavier 1RM load with the hex bar (265 ± 41 vs. 245 ± 39kg) than a straight bar

So, it’s simple. Use a hex bar, use dumb bells if you don’t have a hex bar, just have them go along the sides of your body and then you’re going to pick them up and you’re going to droop them and you’re going to try to work on that force as much as you possibly can. Then, in conjunction with that, you’re going to do your cardio. You’re going to do your high intensity interval training as much as you possibly can and you’re going to implement plyometrics into the case. Plyometrics are going to increase that contractile strength because you’re allowing the muscle to expand and then contract and kind of recoil at a fast rate.

So, you combine that ability to recoil at a fast rate along with more force, along with dropping weight and I promise you the math doesn’t lie. The physics don’t lie. You’re going to get faster and you’re going to feel better in the process. As always, keep it locked in here on my channel and I’ll see you in the next video.


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