Date: 2019-11-05 15:30:00
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Check out these exclusive Fermented Pu’er Teas. They are of limited quantity and will sell out fast:
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Is This New (old) Kind of Tea For You? Fermented Tea – Thomas DeLauer
I’m always trying to find interesting new things. I’m also on the forefront of a lot of just different research. So I learn about new things that come to light. Now, what I’m going to talk about today in the world of fermented tea isn’t anything new, but it’s gaining popularity and a level of newness within at least the Western world. And it’s something called pu’er tea. Fermented tea. If you’ve seen my videos before, I’m kind of a tea nerd. So I’m always talking about matcha, I’m talking about green tea, black tea, all this and that. And I know those of you that are watching my channel and watch my videos are probably at least somewhat tea connoisseurs, like you enjoy some matcha tea when you’re fasting, but your knowledge of the different teas might not extend past just the various forms of black and various forms of green.
So what pu’er tea is, or fermented tea, is tea that goes through a natural fermentation process. So it’s not like kombucha. For example, kombucha is black tea or green tea that’s been brewed and then they add a culture to it and they ferment the tea after it’s been brewed, usually adding some sugar. Kombucha is a different world.
Now, the benefit from fermented tea comes from the sense that it’s already oxidized. People typically think, oh, well a food is oxidized, so it’s not going to be good for me. Like you don’t want to be eating an oxidized avocado, right? But when it comes to tea, it’s a little bit different, because you’re oxidizing it and you’re getting rid of what would potentially oxidize inside your body. So with tea, because it’s oxidized and then dried, you’re left with something that’s really powerful and the oxidation effect converts what are called catechins over in two specific polyphenols known as theaflavins.
So, tea has these things called catechins. If you’ve heard of EGCG before, technically that’s a catechin because the name is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, right? So, EGCG is a catechin. Now, what happens through the fermentation process is some of these catechins, and a lot of these catechins get converted into very potent polyphenols that normally wouldn’t get converted into those polyphenols within your body. So these specific theaflavins that we’ll call them, they are really powerful at restoring gut bacteria because they’re so prebiotic. So when you’re fasting, but in my particular case, preferably when you’re doing keto, it helps rebalance the gut bacteria because you can’t constantly be eating asparagus all day, but you can sip on tea that provides you with the theaflavins that grow good bacteria.
So you consume regular green tea or black tea, you’re not going to get a big gut restorative effect, but with pu’er tea you have a different classification of benefits. So there was a study that was published in the Journal of Infection and Immunity that found that due to the gut shifting effect, the gut bacteria, the gut biome shifting effect, there are some pretty powerful effects reversing metabolic damage.
Found that PE altered the body composition and attenuated metabolic endotoxemia and systemic and multiple-tissue inflammation, and improved the glucose and lipid metabolism disorder in high-fat diet (HFD)-fed mice via multiple pathways
Notably, PE promoted the lipid oxidation and browning of white adipose tissue (WAT) in HFD-fed mice
Then we can add onto this with another study that we found in phytotherapy research that takes a look at hormone sensitive lipase.
Now let’s go ahead and move into what it’s going to do for your brain. This is a big piece. In addition to remodeling the gut bacteria, which can have a serious effect on what’s called the gut brain access, it has a powerful effect on the glutamate scale within our body.
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) is one of the glutamate receptors and represents a promising target for studying neuroprotective agents of potential application in neurodegenerative diseases
In this study, pu’er tea markedly decreased the transcription and translation of mGluR5 compared to those by black and green teas
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