For all men, even men over 40, we all want to have arms that stand out. Our triceps have a lot to do with the overall size of the upper arm, but the biceps are the better looking part of the arm. You may be working your biceps, butContinue Reading

  As a man over 50, our testosterone production is crucial for us living our daily lives. If we are not producing enough testosterone, we will feel sluggish, unmotivated, and the body just does not function well. One of the best ways to naturally boost your production of testosterone isContinue Reading

  When trying to get abs that show, there are 2 things that come into play. Working your abs and focusing on your nutrition. In order to get abs that show, you need to lose belly fat. Today, we are focusing on the exercises you need to do to buildContinue Reading

  Apply For Gary Walker's Alpha Maker Project (limited spots): It doesn’t matter how old you are, you are never too old to build muscle. As men over 40, there are many different things you can do to build muscle. Whether you are on a fitness journey just startingContinue Reading

  When trying to get good looking abs and a flatter stomach, you can not forget about your love handles. Getting rid of your love handles can help you achieve a more v-shape figure, combined with a wider upper back. There are 2 things you need to focus on toContinue Reading

  It can be hard to live a healthier lifestyle if you are busy, and especially if you don’t like to cook. You have a long day at work, and the last thing you want to do is make a meal from scratch. That is why we tend to findContinue Reading

  As a man over 40, it is nice to have big arms that rip the sleeves off your shirt. Another attractive looking muscle group is the chest. Man boobs don’t look good, whether you are wearing a shirt or not. Having a full rounded chest stands out, and youContinue Reading

  If you are short on time, work late and don’t have time for the gym…avoid those excuses. With this workout, you can do this at home quickly with only some dumbbells for equipment. Avoid excuses for not being able to workout. What is great about this workout is theContinue Reading

  This is a workout that you can do at home or in the gym, and it is a bodybuilding style workout for men over 50. These are some of my favorite upper body exercises to do when trying to build more muscle and size. With this being a bodybuildingContinue Reading

  There are a lot of different things that go into getting a six pack. It is not just working your abs with exercises, running on a treadmill, or just focusing on nutrition. There are 4 tips I have for you, and utilizing all 4 will help with getting optimalContinue Reading

  One of the biggest goals in a fitness journey is losing fat, aside from building muscle and getting in overall good shape. Fat loss is also one of the harder things to accomplish because it is not just one thing you need to do. It is a combination ofContinue Reading

  Apply For Gary Walker's Alpha Maker Project (limited spots): When it comes to building muscle and losing fat to get a more sculpted looking figure, it takes time to make that happen. Building muscle is not something you can do in one day, it takes time. There areContinue Reading

  It may seem unusual to get tips on how to get rid of man boobs without having to exercise, but it is possible…and I am going to tell you some tips in this video. When it comes to losing fat, exercise, especially HIIT training is great for losing fat.Continue Reading

  A lot of you guys, especially men over 40 and 50, are still probably living a busy lifestyle. Whether it is work, travel, or just craziness at home…you might be struggling to find time to workout. Well, if you can’t make it to the gym, or can’t do aContinue Reading

  As a man over 50, it looks good to have nice looking abs that stand out. That also includes working your obliques to help get rid of your love handles. We want to have all around good looking abs, not just the front of our stomach. To work yourContinue Reading