Date: 2019-11-27 16:50:14
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Men.. Are you looking for a back and bicep workout that you can do at home with only dumbbells?
Well good news.. I have a workout just for you that will have 2 exercises focus on your back and 2 on your biceps.
Make sure to read this short article because at the end I am going to give a look on how to get FIT AFTER 50.
Everyone loves working the biceps because who doesn’t love having big biceps…
Well your back is important too… if you have a wider back then guess what.. It is going to help your waist look smaller.
All of my programs are designed for you guys over your 40’s and 50’s
You don’t have all the time in the world to workout like all the ripped 20 year olds.
There are 2 things I can promise with my FIT AFTER 50 workout programs… They are time efficient and you will never get bored from them.
Do these exercises:
One arm Dumbbell Row… You are really going to feel this in your lats. Do the reps slow and controlled to make sure you are focusing on working the back in this exercise.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls… This is going to make your arms naturally bigger focusing on the whole bicep…not just the pump.
Alternating Bear Rows… This is a fun exercise to do! And remember.. You want to utilize good form in these exercises to work the muscles you are focusing on.
I want you to lose fat and build muscle at the same time!
Well guys, like I said in the beginning, I am going to give you a look at how to get FIT AFTER 50.
Go to our FIT AFTER 50 WEBSITE to see the 3 key components to get FIT AFTER 50.
Subscribe to the channel for more videos with dumbbell workouts that you can do at home:
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