ABDOMINAL ETCHER Routine (200 Core Carving Reps!)

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The best abdominal etcher can be found in our MAX/Shred program

This abdominal etching workout is an abs routine that can be done at home with no equipment except for a dumbbell and a mat. This abs workout routine has got 200 core carving reps and will help you work the upper and lower abs and obliques. It is possible to get chiseled abs without six pack surgery or actual abdominal etching surgery. You can get those chiseled abs you want with the right combination of nutrition and ab workouts.

If you want to know how to get abs, this at home abs workout is a good place to start but don’t discount the importance of nutrition as the main ab sculptor. You can build really strong muscles with abdominal exercises but you will never see that six pack unless you burn the fat that’s covering it up. This is why they say abs are made in the kitchen.

For this ab workout routine there are just 4 ab exercises. You’ll do the first 3 moves in this ab routine for 25 reps per side. The final core carving move will be done for 50 reps for a total of 200 reps in this at home abs routine. If you’re a beginner shoot for just 1 round of this at home ab workout. That will be difficult enough. If you’re more advanced you can do two or three rounds of these abdominal exercises for a really tough ab workout routine.

Here are the ab exercises that make up this abs workout at home:

1) 1 Arm Overhead Sit Up (25 per side)
2) Side Plank Kick Outs (25 per side)
3) Bent Knee Kick Up (25 per side)
4) Corkscrew Jacks (50 reps)

For all the best home ab routines, subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/womensworkouts

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